Become a supporter

Your support helps My Neighborhood News Network stay on the story.

My Neighborhood News Network is a community-supported, nonprofit news organization that relies on donations from the public we serve. Each of our stories is made possible because people like you believe in our mission to create civic education and engagement for all stakeholders and find solutions for issues that matter to South Snohomish County.

Join your friends and neighbors to become a donor and support trusted local journalism and our ongoing coverage.

Donations of any amount are appreciated.

To donate, click the button below or mail a check to:
My Neighborhood News Network, 10016 Edmonds Way, Ste. C-150, Edmonds, WA 98020.

Your charitable donation is 100% tax deductible. Our federal tax ID # is 88-3919841

The IRS reminds us to inform you that no goods or services were provided to you in return for your gift. Therefore, within the limits prescribed by law, the full amount of your gift is deductible for federal income tax purposes


Have Benevity at your workplace?

We are registered with Benevity for employee donations and corporate matches.


Electronic contributions are easiest for us, but if you’d prefer to give via mail, please write a check to My Neighborhood News Network and mail to 10016 Edmonds Way, Suite C-150, Edmonds, WA 98020.

Your charitable donation is 100% tax deductible. Our federal tax ID # is 88-3919841

The IRS reminds us to inform you that no goods or services were provided to you in return for your gift. Therefore, within the limits prescribed by law, the full amount of your gift is deductible for federal income tax purposes


Why should I become a donor?

At My Neighborhood News Network, we believe it’s important that readers and community members who value good reporting help pay for it. Your tax-deductible donation helps to fund our staff of reporters, photographers and columnists who keep the community informed.

How do I get a receipt for my subscription?

When you contribute, you will receive a receipt to the email address you provide.

How do I make changes to my donation or update a credit card?

Please email and she will assist you.

How will My Neighborhood News Network handle the relationship between editorial and donor interests?

We are an independent news organization that values our editorial integrity. Our donors have no influence over editorial content or the decisions that go into developing stories, photos or videos.

Instead of becoming a donor online, can I write you a paper check?

Yes. Please make check payable to My Neighborhood News Network and mail checks to:

My Neighborhood News Network

10016 Edmonds Way, Suite C-150

Edmonds, WA 98026

Thank you for your support, and please email Teresa Wippel with any questions.